you have a picture of your blocks and memories to send, please email
them to me, for inclusion on this page.

is my favorite time of the year. The colors are beautiful, the
air clear. Gods way of cleaning things up. School has started,
the harvest ( the corn, apple and pumpkin fabric) is over and
lots of fun times ahead. We have Halloween, Thanksgiving and
let's not forget Christmas.
pink fabric, lady bug button and safety pin, for the birth of
my grandaughter Leilias Birth. The lady bug is there theme in
her room. Giants against the Rams game we went to, and the browns
for the start of the leaves starting to change colors.
apple piece in my block this month brings back memories of my
sister and I getting together on weekends to make apple pies.
That was a long time ago but I can still remember the sweet
smells of apples and cinnamon coming from the kitchen.
is Back to School , or in my case, back to Quilting. The charms
were collected last year in the area Shop Hop at the end of