Each month, throughout 2025 - through my newsletter, I'm sharing a Scrappy Quilt Tutorial.

Be sure to request the file (on the month there is one), and print the web page instructions as they are only available for the current month.

Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to the Technique Page in the Library of this site for the complete free how-tos.


Finished Size: 6" x 6"


     A~ Heart prints 



2~6" squares

     B~ Backgrounds




2~7¼" squares



1. Cut the background fabrics B [Rotary Cutting~ #F].

2. Make a heart template [Cardboard Template]. Trace the heart shape, with a chalk pencil, onto your heart fabrics A. With pinking shears (or scissors and clip your curves) cut the hearts ¼" beyond the chalk line.

Request the 4-Patch Heart Template here

Turn the edges of the hearts and press.

Tip: Baste the seams down before you press and sew.

Centre the heart onto a background by folding in half, and finger pressing the center line. Do this in both directions on all of the background and heart patches. Pin in place.

3. Top stitch [Machine Piecing] the hearts to the backgrounds as close to the edge as possible. Use matching or contrasting thread.


 4. Cut each heart block into four units, as illustrated:

5. Layout the blocks as illustrated. 

Block Layout

    Sew [Machine Piecing] the units together, as instructed:

    ~Sew the units together in pairs, matching the meeting points of the heart.

    ~Sew the pairs together, matching the seams and the meeting points.   

    Square up each unit to 6½" square.

You end up with two versions of this block


4-Patch Hearts


Note: This quilt is made with one version of the heart blocks.



~Come Back in March for the Next Scrappy Quilt~

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