~Online Quilt Classes & Workshops~

Simply Lovely Beginner Quilt Pattern & Companion Tutorials is
free to members of Victoriana Quilters with the purchase
of the Pearls & Lace quilt pattern.
It is suitable for beginners or other quilters wanting to make an easy quilt.
Pattern & Companion Tutorial~

& Lace Quilt Pattern

Lovely Beginner Quilt Tutorials~
will find the link to the main Simple Lovely Beginner Quilt Tutorials page
in the pattern.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can access these free online tutorials.

Beginner's Quilting Online Class is free to members of
Victoriana Quilters. The class takes you through 6 sessions.

online teacher will be Benita Skinner.
She has been teaching quilting for over 18+ years and has taught this Beginner's
Class...live, many times to many students....as well as online to members.
you will find the link to sign up for the Beginner's Quilting Online
Classes. You will receive a confirmation emailed with the all the information
you will need to get you ready for the first installment.

Sampler Class Sign Up Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Please sign
me up for the Beginner's Sampler online classes.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can sign up for this free online class.

Crazy Quilt Christmas Workshop is free to members of
Victoriana Quilters. The basics of the Crazy Patch, as well
as the Decorative Stitches and Embellishments are covered. It is suitable
for beginner to intermediate quilters.

Crazy Quilt Christmas Workshop Pattern is included.
you will find the link to sign up for the Crazy Quilt Christmas Workshop.
You will receive a confirmation emailed with the all the information
you will need to take this online class.

Quilt Christmas Sign Up Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Please sign
me up for the Crazy Quilt Christmas Workshop.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can sign up for this free online workshop.

Applique Basics Workshop is free to members of Victoriana
Quilters. This pattern & workshop will help you explore 6 different
kinds of appliqué, while making the Heart Wreath block. It is
suitable for beginner to intermediate quilters.

Applique Workshop Heart Wreath Pattern is included.
you will find the link to the Applique Basics Workshop.

Basics Workshop Link Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Click here
for the Applique Basics Workshop.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can take this free online workshop.
The Bits
& Bobs collage quilt process section is free to members
of Victoriana Quilters.
My Bits & Bobs collage quilt idea, has been brewing in my head (&
heart) for a few years. It's kind of a cross between collage & crazy
I started by collecting items that I could use for this quilt.
You know the 'bits & bobs' we all save and treasure, for 'we're not
sure what'.
is a personal quilt project - not my usual patterns.
Hand stitching - for the love of stitching and creating something.
you will find the link to my Bits & Bobs collage quilt progress.

& Bobs Link Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Click here
for the Bits & Bobs collage quilt section.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can get access to all the pictures and description.
Apple Core English Paper Piecing Tutorial is free to members
of Victoriana Quilters.
The tutorial takes you through making the preparation & stitching of
the apple core shape and how to put them together and an option to finishing
the quilt.
It is suitable for beginner to intermediate quilters.

The Apple
Core Template is included.
you will find the link to the Apple Core English Paper Piecing Online Tutorial.

Core EPP Tutorial Link Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Click here
for the Apple Core English Paper Piecing Tutorial.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can get access to the tutorial.

The two
versions of this fun scrappy quilt, are put together with a quilt as you
go method, and are free to members of Victoriana Quilters.
The tutorial takes you through making the blocks and how to put them together
and finish the quilts.
It is suitable for beginner to intermediate quilters.


you will find the link to the Stained Glass Strings Quilt as you Go tutorial

Glass Strings Tutorial Link Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Click here
for the Stained Glass Strings Tutorial.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can get access to the tutorial.

The Tips
& Tricks for Pretty Patchwork with Open Seams page is free
to members of Victoriana Quilters.
The information and ideas will help you get a finer result when sewing patchwork
quilt blocks with open seams.
The results give you pretty flat patchwork.
It is suitable for beginner to intermediate quilters.
tips for my scrap Postage Stamp with a Twist pattern are also included.
you will find the link to the Tips & Tricks for Pretty Patchwork with
Open Seams.

& Tricks for Pretty Patchwork with Open Seams Link Here~
am a member of Victoriana Quilters...Click here
for the Tips & Tricks for Pretty Patchwork with Open Seams.
would like to become a member of Victoriana
Quilters. Then I can get access to the special tips & tricks.