Q is for Quilting Mini Quilt Tutorial


I'm celebrating the 20 Years Victoriana Quilt Designs has been online, with this sweet mini quilt tutorial!


Note: Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to the Technique Page in the Library of this site for printable free how-tos.



Q is for Quilting Mini Quilt

Mini Quilt: 8" x 8"

Request the free Q is for Quilting Mini Quilt Letter Q Initial Template, Layout & Stitch Guide here


Light Background Fabric - 10" square
Backing Fabric for Mini Quilt -
10" square
Green Tone on Tone Fabric -
10" square
Small matching print for Frame -
10" square
Fabric for the Letter Q* -
10" square

Cotton Batting - 10" square
Matching Embroidery Floss, Buttons & Ribbon or Ric Rac Trim


* If you'd like to make the Q is for Quilting Mini Quilt, with the same fabrics I used, you will find them available here.

Q is for Quilting Mini Quilt Fabrics

1. Begin with making & quilting the Initial Block Tutorial, as instructed here (Steps #1 & #2 only).

Be sure to trace the quilted heart design, onto the background fabric, before basting the layers together.

2. Quilt the layers together by quilting the heart, using 3 strands of embroidery floss.
Then by adding the Blanket Stitch
[Decorative Stitches - #1] to the edges of the letter Q, using two strands of embroidery floss, that matches the fabric.
Tip: If you need help to pull the needle through, use a pair of needle-nose plyers.

3. When quilted trim the frame to about 1" wide, through all the layers. Make sure it's square.

4. Add blanket stitching around the raw edge.

Give it a final good press, placing it under a heavy book while it cools off.

5. Stitch your ribbon/trim & buttons (as shown below), to the two top corners of the quilt, through all the layers.

Trim the ribbon tails to about 1".



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