Victoriana Quilt Designs 15th Anniversary

This year I'm celebrating my 15th Anniversary online...and I so want to mark the occasion with a keepsake quilt!

I invited people to be part of this quilt by sending me 2 ~ 4" x 6" (10.16cm x 15.24cm) pieces of fabric, which I will include in my quilt.

Examples of Rose Fabrics
The first was a piece of cotton fabric with roses.
The fabrics in the picture are examples.


Jacquard Quilt Plan
The second was a piece of cotton tone-on-tone fabric with your name, city & anything else you'd like to include within the center 2" x 4". I asked them to please be sure to leave a 1" seam allowance all the way around.
If they'd like to write more than will fit, please do so on I plan to keep a scrapbook with all the letters that come with the fabrics.


Thanks so much and (((big hugs))) to all who sent patches for my quilt (pictures below).

Psst...You can see an example of the first test quilt block below, too...and patches, as I begin to stitch the quilt together.


I received my first two envelopes with fabric patches for my 15th Anniversary keepsake quilt!
Thanks so much Jennifer Paganelli (aka SisBoom) & Patsy Middaugh.


More envelopes from Gail Kreek, Carol Jackson, Karen Gallagher, Ruth Butler & Suzanne Allaire.


These are from Carol Seipel, Marilyn Coe, Jannette Binder, Diana Hutt & Gwen McDaniel.


These are from Roz Agulnik, Susan Bennett, Cathy McClelland, Tommie Herlihy.


These are from Kathryn Thompson, Geraldine Bell, Mari Fisch, Debra Lock.


These are from Anna Chiare, Mary McCarthy, Joan Stacy.


These are from Lo Bjorksten, Donna Stritzke, Eneida Kemp, Pauline Perry.


These are from Jill Groom, Irene Biggans, Mary Ann Payne, Lucille Latham.


These are from Maria Revesz, Sue Hopkinson, Sue Machin, Pieta McKeon.


These are from Kathy Creighton, Jill Stoel, Kay Stevens.


These are from Rachel Adams, Patricia Ozment, Doreen Harris (+ Doreen added some extra fabrics - Thank You!).


These are from Linda Williams, Elaine Dorhquast, Jean Taylor (+ Jean included a cute mouse), Melinda Miller.


These are from Marian Pichler, Maxine Burden, Pat Yorke, Gabriele Ketelhut.


These are from Betty Geiser, Judi Zygmont, Lenore Woodman.


These are from Debbie Coleman, Gail Morrow, Marilyn Bishop.


These are from Maria Fagley, Joselia Des Silva, Isabell Bourke.


These are from Sona Kollarova, Bill & Linda Sanford, Jo LeBlanc.


These are from Sheila Lee, Carol Raworth, Linda Woloshyn, Sylvia Hamaker, Jean Halloran.


These are from Rose Webster, Rita Long, Gill Morrison.


These are from Margaret Taffi, Julie Young, Patricia Smith Chojnowski.


These are from Cordelia Lyons, Donna Fields, Judy Reid.


These are from Elvira Fernandes, Deanna Klintworth, Penny Keddie, Judith Nawijn.


These are from Karyn Meyreles, Mary Kuski, Mary Ann Waldner, Carmela Tempero.


These are from Norma Carter, Catherine Marshall, Lucienne Primeau.


These are from Ann Botta, Laurie Anderson, Myra Grodzuik, Suzanne Morin.


These are from Sandra Sievers, Evelyn Byrne.


Thanks so much, everyone!!


The stack of Anniversary Keepsake Envelopes that have arrived.

I've enjoyed watching the stack of envelopes grow, but have made myself patiently wait until this month before I began my stitching.

My Test Patches - English Paper Piecing Apple Core/Spools

This is the test patches for my 15th Anniversary Keepsake Quilt. I'm going to English Paper Piece the Apple Core/Spool shape - which I've always wanted to make!

This is the progress I've made so far...

Batch #1


Batch #2


Batch #3

Kitty Paw Prints from Lo Bjorksten!

Batch #4

Batch #5

Batch #6

This Anniversary Keepsake quilt has become
my latest 'While You Wait' project.
I prepared these patches while I waited for a
thunderstorm to pass by the other day.

Batch #7

The stack done so far. :)

Maria Fagley sent a kitty print, instead of roses - fun!

Batch #8

Batch #9

Batch #10

Debbie Coleman's patch :)

Batch #11

Batch #12








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