To go along with my stitching my hexagon Sew Over the
Rainbow quilt, I had to make myself this Hexie
Pincushion :)

It was simple,
and can be made in whatever size hexie templates you
have to work with.
My hexagon
punch had a smaller size hexagon (measurements shown
in diagram), which I used for mine.

Here's how...
Prepare yourself 8 hexies, using your favourite method
- 6 for your sides, and one each for the top and bottom

Stitch them together as shown in the diagram.
Working with the right sides inside, stitch the edges
together following the number plan (#1 to #10) in the
diagram above. Fold the hexies in half when needed to
help align the next edges.
the cardstock when your hexie has all the sides sewn.
When you get to 11*, remove all the remaining cardstocks,
and carefully turn your pincushion right side out, gently
pushing out the corners.
stuff the pincushion through the one remaining open
Tip: I cut up scrap cotton batting with pinking shears
into small bits.
you feel it's stuffed as full as you like, blindstitch
the final seam closed.
I invite
you to visit my site here,
and check out all of the quilt patterns, calculator
charts, printables for quilters and graph paper. There
is much for you to explore!