Handwork Retractable Tape Measure Cover Tutorial by Benita Skinner

I do a lot of handwork while I design Victoriana Quilt Designs quilt patterns.
I've been enjoying making my sewing space and tools prettier.

I covered a plastic retractable tape measure that I use and now it's functional and lovely!

Retractable Tape Measure Cover Tutorial

Here's how...

What You Need for Retractable Tape Measure Cover

*A Retractable Tape Measure
[my measurements are based one 2" wide]
*4½" circle of pretty feature fabric for the large yo-yo
*2¼" circle of matching fabric for the bottom
*1¾" circle of matching fabric for the small yo-yo
*2-2¼" circles of thin batting
*Matching ½" ribbon ~ 8" length
*Lace ~ 6" length*Lace ~ 6" length
*Flat button or bead that will work to 'press' the button
*Ribbon Rose [optional]

1. Make the yo-yo's by holding the circle wrong side up, turn a small seam allowance forward and stitch it down using a running stitch [*Stitches·#3a]. Hide the starting knot underneath the seam allowance. Do not knot off the thread when you have stitched all the way around.
Pull the stitching to gather the edge towards the centre, until it makes a small hole.
After arranging the folds, take a few stitches to hold it in place.

2. Stitch the lace and the small yo-yo in the middle of the large yo-yo. Be sure the button or bead you choose for the center will work to push down the button on the tape measure.

Place the large yo-yo group on top of one of the batting circles on the button side of the tape measure.

Stitching the Retractable Tape Measure Cover

3. Place the bottom fabric wrong side up, under the remaining batting circle. Hold these on the flat side of the tape measure.

4. Stitch back and forth from the top and bottom covers to hold them in place, stitching close to the edge of the circles.

Stitching the Retractable Tape Measure Cover

5. Stitch the ribbon to the sides of the tape measure along the top and bottom edges, being sure to fold the raw ends in on either side of the tab that comes out of the side.

Stitching the Retractable Tape Measure Cover

6. You can add a ribbon rose (or an embellishment of our choice) to the tab of the measureing tape (see below).

Ribbon Rose to Decorate Tab

Design Tip: Make your tape measure cover to match your take along bag!


I invite you to visit my site here, and request all of the complimentary quilt patterns, calculator charts, printable quilty bookmarks and graph paper. There is much for you to explore!




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