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Sometimes a girl's just gotta sew!


However you play with thread...


Happy Stitching!


With Love in Every Stitch!


Quilts are...


Virtually Stitching Together


Wishin' I was Stitchin'


Fingers Fly Deftly


Quilty Bliss


A New Day to Sew!


 Happy Stitching!


Playing with fabric is good for me - How awesome is that?!


Quilt: Fabrics Playing Well Together


Fabric is My One Weakness!


If it was Handmade for You, it was Made with Love!


Today is Your Present


Happy Stitching!


Sewing with Love & Loving Sewing!


I Love Patchwork


Petting Fabric Reduces My Stress


Adding Love with Every Stitch


The Happiest People


When Fabric Talks to You - It's Time to get Creating!


It's a Stitching Kind of Day!


Sew...A Needle Pulling Thread


Button Love!


It's True...I won't be able to make every quilt pattern I collect. It doesn't matter - They inspire me!!


I cannot count my day complete 'Til needle, thread and fabric meet


My Happy Place


I Love Stitching!


hmm....Fabric ~ Better for me than Chocolate!


Quilts are a Work of Heart


Quilts are Fabric Hugs Made With Love in Every Stitch!


It's sew who I am!


Playing Hooky to work on a quilt = Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!


When working on a quilt, I'm in my own little world. You know hwere that is, you're my neighbour here!


Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. - Pablo Picasso


Quilters Are Everywhere!


When life gives you scraps...Make a quilt!


A Quilter can dream...About that ironing surface!


I Love Sewing!


Fabric, Stitching, Progress - Ingredients for a perfect day!


Never underestimate the power of a woman with a sewing machine. Teach a your girl to sew!


The Secret Ingredient in Quilts is Love


A long term quilt project, which I slowly work my way through, grows as I stitch - in size & pride.


I love watching a quilt top come to life, as it gets quilted.


Weekends are my favourite time to sew, but any day ending in 'y' will do!


I Love My Local Quilt Shop!


There is no wrong time to work on a quilt


I Love to Quilt


Sew Relaxing


May All Your Stitching be Straight Ahead


Sewing small pieces of fabric together, gives me a pieceful heart and a quilt to wrap you with my love - Benita Skinner


Stitching Time


Be Original


Grandma's Buttermilk Recipe to Whiten Older Fabrics & Quilts


Do What You Love What You Do


The Fabric Collection - How far can it grow?


Gardening is another form of creating & playing with colours


There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort - Jane Austen


The only place housework comes before quilting is in the dictionary.


Live, Laugh, Love, Quilt


I try to Live a Pieceful Life


Quilting with my Friend Keeps Us in Stitches


Sew Sweet


The way we purchase fabric may have changed, but our love of purchasing fabric remains timeless!


You can tell a quilter by the threads she keeps


Quilty Wisdom...Finished is way better than perfect!


This is my dream childhood!


The love of stitching is our common thread


If only the quilts I make while I dream count!


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All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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