Team Colours Quilt

Quilt Size: 28" x 36"
[Also instructions for 42" x 54" and 56" x 72"]


This pattern has instructions in 3 sizes ~ Make it a wallhanging, lap quilt or full size quilt.
A quick & easy quilt for the Sports Fan you love!

~This quilt would look great in any Team Colours~

Team Colours Quilt in Green & Gold
Team Colours Quilt in Blue & White


To see members versions of this pattern, click here.




Tone-on-tone black for sashing & border

1. ¾ yard
2. 1¼ yards
3. 2 yards



Multicoloured Prints

1. 4 Fat Quarters
2. 4 Fat Quarters
3. 2 Fat Quarters, 1~¼ & 1~½ yard



Black tone-on-tone & Black with White Prints

1. 2 Fat Quarters+
2. 2 Fat Quarters+
3. 2 Fat Quarters+



White with Black Prints

1. 2 Fat Quarters+
2. 2 Fat Quarters+
3. 2 Fat Quarters+



Red tone-on-tone

1. 4 Fat Quarters
2. 4 Fat Quarters
3. 4 Fat Quarters




Please Note: You receive the pattern in pdf format attached to an email, usually within 24 hours of payment confirmation.



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