4-Patch Yo-Yo Tutorial

4-Patch Yo-Yo Tutorial


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Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to the Technique Page in the Library of this site for printable free how-tos.

I'm offering this 4-Patch Yo-Yo tutorial, as a Thank You for Visiting Victoriana Quilt Designs.

Request the 4-Patch Yo-Yo Template here


1. Sew a 4-Patch unit from 4~2½" squares. Press [Pressing-#1 & #3] the seam allowances open.

4-Patch Unit


2. Make a template [Cardboard Templates] from the circle template.
Tip: Repurpose cereal & cracker boxes as template cardboard.

3. Trace the circle onto the wrong-side of the unit with a mechanical pencil.
Cut the corners off, leaving about a ¼" seam allowance, around the circle.

Draw circle on back of unit.


4. Holding the circle wrong side up, turn the seam allowance forward and stitch it down using a running stitch [Stitches-#3a]. Hide the starting knot underneath the seam allowance. Do not knot off the thread when you have stitched all the way around.

Stitch the seam allowance down around the circle


5. Pull the stitching to gather the edge towards the centre, until it makes a small hole. After arranging the folds, take a few stitches to hold it in place.

4-Patch Yo-Yo


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