Basic Plaid Free Quilt Tutorial

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Basic Buffalo Plaid Free Quilt Patterrn Tutorial

Large Quilt Size: 84" x 84"
Small Quilt Size: 63" x 63"

Large Quilt
Small Quilt


   Fabric A: Black Solid Fabric** 


2½ yards which includes the small border

1½ yards which includes the small border


   Fabric B: Dark Red Solid Fabric* 


3½ yards

2¼ yards


   Fabric C: Red Solid Fabric* 


2 yards

1¼ yards

*Other colours could be used - see some examples below.
**The Fabric Key does not include Binding or Backing fabrics.
You can request free calculator charts here, to help in figuring out what you will need for your quilt.

A Note About Your Fabric Choice: When I first started planning this quilt, I thought I would use tone on tone fabrics - and perhaps lots of them for a bit of a scrappy design...but as you can see from the examples below,they change the design, and only the solid fabric version (above) brings out the basic plaid design. Of course you may like the other versions more, which is why I decided to share the examples.

Tone-on-tone Fabrics Example

Scrappier Tone-on-tone Fabrics Example


Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to the Technique Page in the Library of this site for the complete free how-tos.

~In quilting a 'strip' is the width of the fabric (WOF) cut from selvage to selvage. Two fat quarter (FQ) strips would equal one WOF strip.

~Be sure to print this web page instructions and the Fabric Key above for reference.

~ Sew a test 4 patch unit and then chain piece the remaining units.


1. Cut fabrics [Rotary Cutting].

    Large Quilt:
Fabric A: 8-4½" strips; 8-2¾" strips for small border; 10-2½" strips.
Fabric B: 16-4½" strips; 19-2½" strips.
Fabric C: 8-4½" strips; 10-2½" strips

    Small Quilt:
Fabric A: 6-3½" strips; 6-2¼" strips for small border; 8-2" strips.
Fabric B: 12-3½" strips; 16-2" strips.
Fabric C: 6-3½" strips; 8-2" strips.

2. For the center of the quilt, sew strip sets from the largest strips of fabric [Strip Piecing], as illustrated.

Strip Set 1 Layout - Fabric C + B

Strip Set 2 Layout - Fabric B + A

    Cut the strip sets down into smaller units:

Large Quilt: 64-4½" x 8½"

Small Quilt: 64-3½" x 6½"

3. Lay out the units, as illustrated.

Unit Layout

    Sew [Machine Piecing] the units together, as instructed:

     ~Sew the pairs together into 64-4 Patch units, matching the seams (*See the pinning tip below).

4 Patch Unit

Large Center 4-Patch Unit

Unfinished size of the center 4 Patch units
Large Quilt: 8½" x 8½"
Small Quilt: 6½" x 6½"

Finished size of the center 4 Patch units
Large Quilt: 8" x 8"
Small Quilt: 6" x 6"

*Perpendicular Pinning Tip: Place a pin in each seam of both the rows you are joining. Don't anchor them. Hold the pin perpendicular (90*) with your first two fingers (underneath) and your thumb on top. Now place an anchor pin (going in at an angle) beside it. Remove the perpendicular pin after you've anchored it. Do the same for the other seams along the row, aligning the raw edges at the top.
This pinning method keeps the seams from shifting out of place.

Perpendicular Pinning Tip

When joining 4 Patch blocks, adding an extra pin through the center of both blocks, before you add the anchor pin, is also helpful.


Adding an extra pin, before the anchor pin is also helpful.


4. Sew the 4 Patch units into pairs, until you have 8 rows of 8 units, as illustrated.

~Match the seams as before.

Basic Plaid Quilt Center  Layout

5. Sew the 8 rows together, matching the seams.

Unfinished size of the center of the quilt
Large Quilt: 64½" x 64½"
Small Quilt: 48½" x 48½"

6. Cut and piece the small border Fabric A strips [Border Basics], to get the small border lengths required, as instructed below.

    Large Quilt:
Side Borders: 2-2¾" x 65"
Top & Bottom Borders: 2-2¾" x 69

    Small Quilt:
Side Borders: 2-2¼" x 49"
Top & Bottom Borders: 2-2¼" x 52

3. Sew the border [Plain Border] to the center quilt top.

Trim the small plain border as instructed.
Large Quilt: 2¼"
Small Quilt: 1¾"

7. For the outer border of the quilt, sew strip sets from the remaining small strips of fabric [Strip Piecing], as illustrated.

Strip Set 1 Layout - Fabric C + B

Strip Set 2 Layout - Fabric B + A

    Cut the strip sets down into smaller units:

Large Quilt: 152-2½" x 4½"

Small Quilt: 152-2" x 3½"

8. Lay out the units, as illustrated.

Unit Layout

    Sew [Machine Piecing] the units together, as instructed:

     ~Sew the pairs together into 152-4 Patch units, matching the seams.

Small 4 Patch Unit

Small Border 4-Patch Unit

Unfinished size of the border 4 Patch units
Large Quilt: 4½" x 4½"
Small Quilt: 3½" x 3½"

Finished size of the border 4 Patch units
Large Quilt: 4" x 4"
Small Quilt: 3" x 3"

9. Lay out the units into the four borders (see guide below).

Each Side Border: 17-4 Patch units long by 2 units wide = 34 units
Each Top/Bottom Border: 21-4 Patch units wide by 2 units high = 42 units

    Sew the units together into borders, matching the seams.

10. Sew the border [Pieced Scrap Border - #3] to the quilt top.

Outer Border Layout

General instructions for Finishing Your Quilt can be found on the Technique Page in the Library of this site.

~Other Colour Options~

Blue Version Green Version

Yellow & Grey Version




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