Ocean Waves Paper Pieced Free Block of the Month Quilt Pattern

~ Free Version ~


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This is 6 part pieced-by-number quilt pattern series.
Follow the fabric choices on the paper pieced templates and sew yourself through this unique wavy 'Storm at Sea' quilt pattern.
Be sure to print this web page & request the template file for each part.

Ocean Waves Version 1 Storm at Sea Quilt Pattern

Ocean Waves Version 1 Storm at Sea Quilt Pattern

Quilt Size: 42" x 42"



   Fabric A Multicoloured Main Print  


1¼ yard which includes the border

   Fabric B Deep Dark Blue


¼ yard or fat quarter


   Fabric C Dark Turquoise


¼ yard or fat quarter


   Fabric D Medium Blue



½ yard


   Fabric E Light Turquoise



½ yard


   Fabric F Dark Blue



¼ yard or fat quarter


   Fabric G Medium Turquoise



¼ yard or fat quarter


   Fabric H Light Blue



¼ yard or fat quarter



Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to the Technique Page in the Library of this site for the complete free how-tos.

~In quilting a 'strip' is the width of the fabric (WOF) cut from selvage to selvage. Two fat quarter (FQ) strips would equal one WOF strip.

~Be sure to print this web page instructions and the Fabric Key above for reference.

~Tone-on-tone fabrics without a print direction are suggested for Fabrics B to H.

~Make yourself a fabric guide with small bits of fabrics taped to a card:

~Pre-fold the lines and mark the unit number and fabric letters on the paper templates, using the fabric guide included with the template.

~Fold the triangle and square patches in half and pinch the fabric to help align the patches with these center marks.

~ Sew a test unit and then chain piece the remaining units.

Half Square Triangle (HST) cut

Quarter Square Triangle (QST) cut

Unit #1 Finished Size: 6" x 6"

1. Cut fabrics [Rotary Cutting].

    Fabric A: 1-4½" strip. Cut down to 9-" squares, cutting these further with QST cuts.

    Fabric B: 1-3½" strip. Cut down to 9-" squares.

    Fabrics C + F: 3-4¼" squares. Cut these further with HST cuts.

    Fabrics D + E: 4-4¼" squares. Cut these further with HST cuts.

    Fabrics G + H: 2-4¼" squares. Cut these further with HST cuts.

2. Following [Paper Piecing] print and sew 9 Unit #1 blocks.

Request the free Ocean Waves Version 1 Unit #1 Template here


Unit #2a Finished Size: 3" x 6"

Cut A

Cut B

1. Cut fabrics [Rotary Cutting].

Note: These cut fabrics are for both Part #2 and Part #3.

    Fabrics C + F: a. 4-3½" x "

                            b. 8-4¾" x 3". Cut these further into 4 Cut A and 4 Cut B.

    Fabrics D + E: a. 5-3½" x "

                            b. 10-4¾" x 3". Cut these further into 5 Cut A and 5 Cut B.

    Fabrics G + H: a. 3-3½" x "

                            b. 6-4¾" x 3". Cut these further into 3 Cut A and 3 Cut B.

2. Following [Paper Piecing] print and sew 12 Unit #2a blocks.

Request the free Ocean Waves Version 1 Unit #2a Template here


Unit #2b Finished Size: 3" x 6"

Cut A

Cut B

1. The fabrics for this part were cut along with Part #2.

2. Following [Paper Piecing] print and sew 12 Unit #2b blocks.

Request the free Ocean Waves Version 1 Unit #2b Template here


Unit #3a Finished Size: 3" x 3"

1. Cut fabrics [Rotary Cutting].

Note: These cut fabrics are for both Part #4 and Part #5.

    Fabric A: 2-3" strips. Cut down to 16-3" squares, cutting these further with QST cuts.

    Fabric B: 1-2" strip. Cut down to 16-2" squares.

    Fabrics C + F: 6-2¾" squares. Cut these further with HST cuts.
    You will use 11 triangles from each fabric for this unit.

    Fabrics D + E: 7-2¾" squares. Cut these further with HST cuts.
    You will use 13 triangles from each fabric for this unit.

    Fabrics G + H: 4-2¾" squares. Cut these further with HST cuts.

2. Following [Paper Piecing] print and sew 8 Unit #3a blocks.

Request the free Ocean Waves Version 1 Unit #3a Template here


Unit #3b Finished Size: 3" x 3"

1. The fabrics for this part were cut along with Part #4.

2. Following [Paper Piecing] print and sew 8 Unit #3b blocks.

Request the free Ocean Waves Version 1 Unit #3b Template here


1. Layout the units as illustrated in the numbered Quilt Layout.

Request the free Ocean Waves Version 1 Quilt Layout here

    Sew [Paper Piecing] the units into rows.

    Sew the rows together.

2. Cut the border fabric [Border Basics].

    Side Borders: 2-6½" x 31"

    Top & Bottom Borders: 2-6½" x 43" (piece to get the length, if required)

3. Sew the border [Plain Border] to the quilt top.




Ocean Waves Version 2 Storm at Sea Quilt Pattern

Ocean Waves Version 2 Storm at Sea Quilt Pattern

Click here for Ocean Waves Version 2 ~ Member's Version


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