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Quilt Puzzle in a Pocket is fun & quick to make. It
makes a great stocking stuffer or small gift!
*For a tip about printing this page, click here. ~ You Need ~ ![]() Two
Identical Pieces of Fabric with a Motif or Theme (*See Tip below) Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to the Technique Page in the Library of this site, for printable free how-tos. *To
get an exact copy of a fabric, lay the first one you cut on the remaining
fabric, aligning it on a repeat of the design. ~~~ ~ To Make the Quilt Puzzle ~ 1. Cut [Rotary Cutting·#F] one of the motif/theme fabrics, the tone-on-tone fabric & the thin batting the same size. Lay
the tone-on-tone fabric (the backing) with the wrong side up, on a flat
surface. Baste [Stitches·#3c] them together using white thread.
Request the free Quilt Puzzle in a Pocket Template & Guide here
Make a template [Cardboard Templates-For Piecing] for
the puzzle wave, or print it onto cardstock & cut it out. 3.
Stitch about 1/16" away
from each of the six wavy drawn chalk lines, on both sides of the line. 4.
Using scissors, cut along each of the drawn chalk lines, between the
stitching lines. Quilt Puzzle Front
Quilt Puzzle Back
~~~ ~ To Make the Pocket ~ 1.
Cut your second motif/theme fabric the same size as the puzzle, plus
½" for seam allowances. Mine
(as an example), was 6" square, so I cut them 6" wide. 2.
Prepare these tone-on-tone patches by turning under the raw edge ¼",
along one long side. Press. 3.
Lay the motif/theme fabric face up on a flat surface. 4. Stitch around all sides of the pocket, pivoting at the corners, using a ¼" seam allowance. Clip
a small triangle off each corner, to remove excess fabric. Pocket Front
Pocket Back
Quilt Puzzle in the Pocket
More Quilt Puzzle in a Pocket Examples:
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