Free Christmas Sweater Quilt Pattern

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~Christmas Sweater Quilt Top Fabric Requirements~

The instructions for this quilt are be available in two sizes.
Quilt: 74" x 76"
(Family Size Quilt: 111" x 114")

Christmas Sweater Quilt Fabric Requirements

You'll find the requirements and suggestions here.



Any instructions with [brackets], refers you to that instruction page, available free from the Technique Page in the Library section of this site.

I write the cutting measurements, for this quilt, as width x length.
This is helpful for those using fabrics with a direction, like the knit printed fabric I'm using.

Within the tutorial instructions, any measurements will be for the smaller Quilt, and I'll include the (Family Size Quilt) measurement, after it, in a (bracket).

Starch your fabric, before cutting, if you feel that may be helpful, for the fabric you use.

Sew the seams with a scant ¼". The [Machine Piecing Basics] instruction page has tips for checking yours.

Press the seams open [Pressing].

When cutting down strip sets [Strip Piecing], you'll find a bit of extra fabric (less than ¼"), because I include a ¼" extra in the measurement of the strips.

Included in the unit/layout pictures, you will see an * beside a number.
This indicates you will need to match a seam(s), when sewing the units together.

My best tip for getting a good matching seam is using 'Perpendicular Pinning':

*Perpendicular Pinning Tip: Place a pin through the seams of both sides that you are joining, aligning the raw edges at the top. Don't anchor it. Hold the pin perpendicular (90*) with your first two fingers (underneath) and your thumb on top. Now place an anchor pin (going in at an angle) on both sides. Remove the perpendicular pin after you've anchored it.
This pinning method keeps the seams from shifting out of place.

Pin Sizes

Note: The sharp, thin metal of the shortest 'extra-fine' pin, is perfect for the perpendicular pinning, I like to do, to match seams.
I stupidly assumed, the longer pin, would be the same, because it had the same pinhead - but you can see it’s thicker - which makes a big difference.
You can see the flathead one is even thicker, still.

When finished each block I will instruct you to block it at the finished size.
You will find the instructions on how to do this with my [Blocking] how to.
This method I use makes for a finer finished quilt top.


Candle Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Candle block here.


Christmas Tree Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Christmas Tree block here.


Large Ornament Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Large Ornament block here.


Reindeer Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Reindeer block here.


Snowflake Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Snowflake block here.


Angel Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Angel block here.


Small Ornament Quilt Block

You'll find the tutorial for the Small Ornament block here.


Sewing the Top Together

You'll find the tutorial for the checkerboard sashing & borders (2 versions) plus sewing the top together here.


Christmas Sweater Side Border Quilt Blocks

You'll find the tutorial for the two side border blocks here.


Christmas Sweater Final Borders Tutorial

You'll find the final tutorial for the remaining borders here.



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